Why abortions should be illegal
All over the world 115 000 abortions are being preformed each day. That’s almost 5000 each hour. On September 11th 2752 people died in the attack.
During World War II about 71 million people died. How many days does it take for us to kill 71 million unborn babies?
Well, the answer is that it takes us about 550 days to achieve what took Hitler 8 years.
And in the U.S. last year only 1% of all abortions were “hard cases” which includes incest, rape, and the mothers health being in danger.
The unborn baby has a heartbeat just 3 weeks into the pregnancy.
Doctors have been able to save babies at earlier stages and yet, abortions are still preformed as late as the used to. Babies who survive abortions are still not legally children so the doctors can do nothing to help them as long as their parents don’t want them to.
And guess who pays for all of the abortions? WE do. Yep, that’s right, the tax-payers.
If the mother has the right to do what ever she wishes with her own body, the child should have the same rights.
Just because the child isn’t big enough to care for his or hers own life, doesn’t mean it’s not a human.
What about the handicapped, and the elder? Do we have the rights to kill them to just because we don’t want to or can take care of them?
Well, if you feel like you have to kill your own child, why not wait until the child is big enough to fight back?
According to the movie The silent scream the unborn child can actually scream and feel pain.
In the movie you can se that the child tries to get away from the instruments and actually screams.
And another thing to point out is that several women who has had an abortion later in life, trying to have children, can’t since during the abortion something happened to their womb.
In the instance of rape and incest, proper medical care can ensure that a woman will not get pregnant. Abortion punishes the unborn child who committed no crime; instead, it is the perpetrator who should be punished.
- http://womensissues.about.com/od/reproductiverights/a/AbortionArgumen.htm
But of course not everybody thinks the way I do.
I will forever fight for the unborn children but there are some strong arguments that makes me insecure.
First, if abortions were made illegal, there would be tons of illegal abortions made anyway which would result in bad doctors performing bad abortions which then might kill both the mother and child.
And second, teenagers who get pregnant and decide not to give the baby up for adoption neither have an abortion often drops out of school, which results in once again the taxpayers have to pay for the child not to be aborted, but to live.
After all, these arguments are not strong enough for me to change my opinion.
What I’d like to end this essay with is by saying that I will do what ever it takes to help the children, what ever it takes.
But after all, it is the mothers’ choice, no matter how much I hate that.
And I have to respect that.
My solution to the problem is to inform more people about the negative effects of abortion and the unborn children’s rights.
Make people watch movies and read books.
I have a friend who went to an abortion clinic in Africa and she showed the women who were thinking about or having an abortion a little full-scale model of a child in the 9th week.
And from what I have heard from her, many women changed their minds about abortion.
And to end it,
It makes a mockery of life to kill your own child, since a third of our generation never made it out of the womb.
Lia Mills